Asirvia – An Overview
In network marketing, most leaders in the industry realize this is a numbers game. Prospecting your warm market goes very quick and then you are left with cold market leads. We all know that 90% of the people we recruit cannot even invite their mom to their own birthday party, and yet they all say they are ready to change the world and make money doing it. So, what is available for the part-time network marketer that has no clue what to do after they threw up all over their warm market about their business opportunity? It’s time to GO! yes, with the Asirvia Go proximity device.
Here's a quick video explaining Asirvia Go:
This little white coin that reminds me of a double stuffed Oreo cookie with technology filling can literally do the cold marketing for any business! Here's how it works; The little device sends out a signal, picked up by Google Nearby which is installed on every android phone, tablet, watch, even in some vehicles, enabling these devices to retrieve a notification with a 40 character message and a clickable link about your business opportunity, product or service. Imagine being at a professional football stadium and being able to market to approximately 60% of that stadium just by walking through the gates? It’s even possible to track your engagements or the daily number of exposure with the one or multiple devices being used with simple to review analytics.
The corporate team is made up of time-tested network marketers themselves who know the distinction between field and corporate operations. Every technique they used in their 20 plus years each of being in the field operations of network marketing companies is being deployed with Asirvia. The name Asirvia is derived from the Latin word ” to serve”. Their commitment to the team and the field is like dealing with the strength and honor of our US military enforces. Specifically, Kevin Marino is known to put forth the “what you see is what you get” no excuses attitude!
Our products have been out since June of 2017. Right from the start people were realizing massive results in their various businesses. Like most new companies we did realize some growing pains. In fact, the corporate team was dissatisfied with their original platform and elected to scrap it for a significantly upgraded proprietary platform. Some people were frustrated but most saw and continue to see the vision and possibilities that the Asirvia GO Services can offer. It really levels the playing field from companies that have Coca-Cola marketing budgets to the average business owner who just wants to get a greater number of eyes on their business.
But wait there's more ……. I said new platform so let’s take a look at what that entails.
The new GO devices have an on/off button in case you are in church or at a wedding and don't want to broadcast your messages or ads. The setup is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3. In the replicated website all customers and affiliates receive … it’s possible to create as many messages with links as you please and then attach them to any of your GOs you wish. Messages are attached instantly and can be edited or changed at any time with the GO BASIC service. The best part is you can split test your messages/websites by using different messages on multiple GOs. It’s important to track results and the GO Services platform shows a week’s historic plus real-time exposures your business is receiving in the dashboard section daily! It is truly remarkable how this all works. But it gets even better! There is a GO PLUS add-on you can order at any time that allows you to upload a picture of your product or service and create a simple ad which will pop up in the notification in place of simply forwarding to a website or opt-in page. AND JUST ADDED…YOU CAN NOW UPLOAD A YOUTUBE VIDEO TO CREATE A VIDEO AD. The picture/video gets far more attention right away and allows you to add your location, website, phone number, share it to social media such as Facebook with one click and even save the ad to the wallet in an Android or iPhone! At the bottom, in tiny print, of the GO PLUS service ads, it says “advertise like this” … so whether this is shared to social media or a wallet, no matter who is interested in advertising like this … when they click on that notice, no matter how many times the ad has been shared, it will automatically direct the clicker to originator’s website for sign up. Pretty cool right?
So, let’s talk about costs:
For 3 GOs $49.00 per month
For 8 GOs $99.00 per month
Go Plus Add-on Price $19 per GO
There is a onetime $30.00 set up fee regardless of how many you order and a $10 USA & Canada or $30 international UPS shipping fee.
Asirvia – The Compensation Plan
There are two ways to participate in Asirvia
- Customer
- Affiliate / Independent Rep
Customers simply buy the services they would like and there are no other requirements except that they keep their subscription up to date and they have the ability to use the service as long as they choose with no lock-in contracts.
For affiliates, there is a $29.97 per month affiliate fee which includes the business center and Asirvia Success System which is an elite marketing system that would amaze even the most studious techy or geek.
The Asirvia Business Center is comprised of many elements that are all designed to do one thing – support our Affiliates and Independent Representatives to grow their business.
The Asirvia Business Center includes the:
- Asirvia Backoffice Management System (to manage your team and track your business growth).
- Asirvia Resource Center (for the most recent updates, news, resources, tools, FAQ’s, videos, events, leaderboard, social media links and a downloads section for guidelines and templates).
- Asirvia Marketing System (a complete turn-key marketing and training system to help you promote and market your Asirvia business to your established contacts, new contacts, and any target market. The specific focus of this automated marketing system is to attract, engage and acquire new customers and affiliates to your business).
- Asirvia Success Club (a Facebook community of Asirvia Affiliates and Independent Representatives who help each other and recognize the achievements of their fellow peers).
- Asirvia Tool Store (for Asirvia approved Sales Tools, Apparel and Branded Materials to help you launch, promote and build your Asirvia business).
Additionally, Affiliates and Independent Reps have an incredible incentive/compensation plan.
Here is a training on the Asirvia Compensation Plan:
Asirvia – The Company
Asirvia is a direct sales company with amazing services which are sold through 2 different sales channels – an Affiliate Channel and a Network Marketing Channel. First, I'll cover our Affiliate Program which is ideally suited for those who are mainly interested in selling our GO SERVICES directly to their own customers.
As an Asirvia Affiliate not only do you have the opportunity to purchase our amazing GO SERVICES, but you also have the opportunity to market those same services and get paid to do so!
First … Asirvia will provide you with a custom link for you to use in your marketing. That link will allow customers to purchase the GO SERVICES directly from Asirvia while YOU are compensated!
The compensation is very straightforward … As each sale is made on your custom link you will receive a Direct Sales Commission of 25% … But, that’s not all, every time your customers renew their subscription each month you will also receive a 10% Direct Sale Residual commission.
Taking that one step further … if you find a person who would also like to be an affiliate with Asirvia you will receive a 5% monthly override on all their customers’ renewals. 10% of your personal customer subscription renewals … and 5% on the customer renewals for all affiliates you personally refer to Asirvia.
Earned commissions will appear instantly in your eWallet within your personal Asirvia Business Center and are available in 7 days to use within the Asirvia system on your own personal GO SERVICE renewals … OR … you will be able to transfer earnings to an Asirvia branded pre-paid debit card as you see fit.
It's important to understand that affiliate programs containing both Direct Sales Commissions and ALSO Direct Sales Residuals are indeed very rare but Asirvia believes they are deserved!
Here's a look behind the scenes at Asirvia:
Independent Representative
Our second Sales Channel is ideal for those who want to use Asirvia’s GO SERVICES not only to produce personal sales but to build teams and create leverage as an Independent Representative, referred to as IRs and it is ONLY available to those folks who produce results!
As an IR … a person must make and maintain a minimum of 3 retail sales and have least one active Affiliate in their first 90 days. Anyone not able to complete or maintain these very simple requirements within their first 90 days and beyond will be listed as an affiliate and have the ability to raise themselves to IR status as soon as they meet the IR requirements which again are only 3 active retail customers and one active affiliate.
IRs have full access to our ENTIRE Asirvia compensation model which is broken down into 4 distinct sections. It’s important to note that all commissions will appear your eWallet located within your personal Asirvia Business Center and are available in 7 days.
1 – Direct Sales Commissions
The IR making or referring the sale receives a 25% DSC
PLUS … UPLINE IRs receive a10% match to that commission for 5 generations of sponsorship!
AS your teams grow so do your Direct Sales Commissions! Think about this as an example … for every $100 sale, you make a 25% commission … so that's a $25 Direct Sales Commission … and as your team begins to make those same sales … you receive a 10% matching commissions for 5 generations … that would be a $2.50 match rolling up to you as your team makes new $100 sales each day, week, month … The bigger your team … the more potential matching pay!
2 – Direct Sales Residuals
As monthly subscriptions are renewed each month … IRs will receive a 10% residual on all personal sales
That’s not all … they will also receive 4 MORE generations of residuals …
5%, 2%, 2% & 1%!
3 – Daily Base Pay
Many people are familiar with the term Base Pay … it usually refers to a fixed amount that an individual receives on a weekly or monthly basis and then based on other criteria they can earn additional money. Very common in the Direct Sales industry. Asirvia took it one step further … instead of monthly or weekly Base Pay, we have converted it to DAILY … why? If you work hard, increase your team sales and advance in rank … WHY?! Should you have to wait an additional week or month to get your increased Base Pay?
… Exactly … you should not have to wait. So Asirvia literally adjusts your base pay base on your current qualification each DAY from $1 a day to 4, 10, 20 … up to 100, 500, 1000, 3000 and eventually they will add more levels when it becomes necessary! So think about it this way … increase in Rank … increase in DAILY BASE PAY!
NOW … If the Daily Base Pay didn’t excite you enough Asirvia did something that no one expected!
4 – A 5 Generation Matching Bonus – WOW! …
I know right … it sounds good but what does that mean? Think about this … as you hit the very minimal level of Associate … you will begin to receive a 25% match on all your personally sponsored IRs Daily Base Pay! Whatever their Daily Base Pay is YOU will receive 25% of that amount each day. You are NOW fully invested in your team’s success!
To take it a step further … as you climb in rank you will begin to earn a 10% match on your second generation and as you continue to climb in rank there are 3 more generations of 5% matching commissions!
To give you the vision of what this could mean to you … how many potential check matches you could possibly receive … Think about this …
How many people will you refer?
How many will they refer on average …
how many will they … how many will they … how many will they?
Based on your efforts and that of your team … this number could be big … could be huge … as I’ve said many times! … it is completely up to you!
Can you say extra incentives??? … There is a bonus to help IRs get off to a quick and smart start! It’s called the GO Getter Bonus … it’s broken up into 3 stages and IRs can earn one, two or all three stages. Many companies have a 30-day fast start bonus program … Asirvia has a 30, 60 & 90 day GO Getter Bonus that pays $500, $1,000 & $1,500 … It’s possible to earn all of them for a total of $3,000 within YOUR first 90 days!
AND recently added…the Asirvia Vehicle Incentive Bonus. You can earn $500 monthly, $1000 monthly, or $1500 monthly as you move up in ranks to drive an Audi of your choice within 4 years new.
Asirvia's very lucrative compensation plan & bonus structure are powerful and fair to IRs of all different abilities … finally leveling the playing field for those wishing to be true network marketing professionals.
Asirvia just celebrated their 1 year anniversary in business. We joined the company on May 10th and just celebrated our 6 month anniversary with Asirvia! With a 6-figure income, an incentive trip already taken, and the Audi vehicle shopping in full swing…we see a very bright future here for anyone who loves technology, marketing, and helping others succeed! Why work with one network marketing company when we get to work with all of them!!
Tina Malsom and Kelly Vincent
Director Rank and Master Reps
The post Asirvia Review appeared first on Insider Business Reviews.