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Valentus Review


Valentus – The Company

Valentus was founded in by Dave and Joyce Jordan who had extensive network marketi ng and traditional retail experience and wanted a company that was built around the needs and wants of distributors.

In its start-up year 2014 Valentus did $300,000.  In 2015, it’s second year the company did $3,000,000 and then $32,000,000 in 2016.  2017 will be another record-setting year.


Valentus is fully registered and licensed to do business in the USA, Canada, Philippines and was just officially licensed in the UK in November. The company ships product to over 50 countries many of which are NFR (Not For Resale) markets.

The initial product was PreVail Energy but it was the introduction of weight loss coffee that spurred the company’s incredible growth.  To me, the idea of linking coffee with weight loss is brilliant. I struggled with weight all my life and I’ve tried every diet imaginable.  There is only one word to describe every diet I’ve been on … miserable.  The concept that I could do something that I love, something that I’m already spending money on, that I cannot imagine not doing for the rest of my life, which is drinking coffee and have that coffee help me lose, control or help manage my weight is brilliant.  A non-coffee drinker can see the same results with PreVail TRIM.

Five Critical Elements For Success:

I discuss the critical five elements for success extensively in my book, “Right or Almost Right”.  Available on Amazon and a best seller or get a free copy at johnharemzabooks.com.

I’ll discuss the elements briefly here. They are the company, the product, the compensation, the timing and the training. If two or three of these elements are missing you’re going to struggle.

It does not matter how talented you are or how hard you work. Missing elements will drag you down.

I looked for these five elements and found them at Valentus ….. plus what I believe makes Valentus VERY special the sixth element — culture.

Critical Element 1: Valentus The company

Valentus is debt-free with huge field experience. It’s not a company run by a bunch of accountants and financial specialists, but it is run by someone who has done what we do. Dave Jordan used to be a distributor, so he knows the challenges we all face. In any company, management and sales are always at odds. Having someone running the show who really knows what we do on a daily basis is a huge plus.

Critical Element 2: Valentus The product

I spent most of my life in the industry selling supplements and convincing people to do things, they were not interested in doing. Compliance is a huge hurdle.  But, when it comes to coffee, most of us are already drinking it and already spending money on it.

When you couple that with weight loss, it’s a no-brainer. You’re never going to leave the house without drinking a cup of coffee. To think that you could drink a cup of coffee that could help you lose weight is the easiest thing I’ve ever talked about and all of our products are equally powerful.

You can’t NOT SELL weight loss coffee. You would have to make a conscious, deliberate

decision not to mention it. As soon as you mention weight loss coffee people say,

“Where can I get it?” and the line begins to form.

Valentus = Coffee + Weight Loss!

Critical Element 3: Valentus  Compensation Plan

Every company talks about having the best, most lucrative compensation plan but

every company has about the same amount of money. About 40–50 percent of revenue is dedicated to the compensation plan in most companies.  Valentus is at 50+ percent, so it’s at the high end.

Valentus steps above many other companies by not having the gotchas, hurdles or structural requirements that many compensation plans have. The plan is really well-balanced with something in it for every level of Independent Representative from the newest startup up to the mid-level leader to high-end leader.

Critical Element 4: The Valentus timing

Every company tells you their timing is perfect, but timing is a factor of numbers and there are only two numbers that count — the monthly sales and how many distributors there are. If either of those two numbers is big you have already missed it from a timing standpoint.

If you study companies as I have, they are very predictable. When a company is doing less than $2 million a month, the risk is high and there’s no evidence of success. Everyone wants to quit.

Timing is best explained by using a fishing analogy. A start-up company is like fishing in bad weather when the fish are not biting, and everybody wants to quit and go home. As the company approaches $2 million a month in sales, it’s as if the sky cleared, you moved over a school of fish and now the fish are biting. This is called momentum. As the company continues to grow the fishing gets better and better and better. Then at $8 million to $10 million, it’s as if the sky opens and the fish start jumping into the boat. The masses pour in. It’s called critical mass. Now people make money fast, but the real money is made by people who started when the company was at $2 to $10 million. Now you’re not fishing with just one line but you have multiple lines dragging behind the boat. There’s opportunity at every level, but the big money is made by people who built a base in that sweet spot between $2 million and $10 million. That’s where Valentus is today and that’s why every one of us is working so hard.

Critical Element 5: The Valentus Training

Valentus has all the necessary tools, particularly the on-line resources and websites so critical in today’s world. One of the things I love is that there is no monthly charge for the seven personalized websites or the back office to manage your business.  Today, our business can move at the speed of light, BUT personal relationships are more important than ever.

Everyone is on the same page and Valentus has systems in place with websites, conference calls, three-way calls, events and a unique Powerline system so that people can pre-enroll and see the system working for them, even before they sign up.  This actually gives them a temporary place in the genealogy that they can activate and become a full-scale member.  You can see this at this Valentus marketing site.

Here is a recording of a Valentus training call:


This is critical element 6: The culture, the magic, the feeling

Valentus is one of very few companies in the history of the industry to have this sixth element. It’s that something special that’s hard to explain. It’s the energy, the vibe, the culture, the environment, the feel.

It ties back to Dave and Joyce Jordan and their character. They’ve been on the field and truly love not just the industry, but also their distributors and they will do everything they can to help them. In all my years in network marketing, I have not experienced a culture like this. They’ve got the magic touch. If I had to sum up this sixth element in one word it would be HEART.

Here is a tour of the Valentus corporate office.  Caution… it's windy 🙂

Independent Representative

Dave and Joyce Jordan were adamant that Valentus distributors should be known as IR’s (“Independent Representatives”).  This emphasizes to Valentus IR’s that they are in business for themselves but a critical foundational company belief is that they are never, “By themselves”.

Valentus – The Product

The company was launched with an Energy Drink PreVail Energy but weight loss coffee was the key to incredible growth. Now the company has a wide range of products with more in the pipeline to be announced.  With the exception of both PrevailMAX sprays which are delivered directly into the mouth all our products are contained in convenient one drink sachets which can be taken either hot or cold.

Prevail SlimROAST – this is coffee infused with 7 herbs to control appetite and help block the absorption of fat, carbohydrates and it acts as a thermogenic to help you burn more calories.

Prevail Trim – Excellent for non-coffee drinkers to can see the benefits of weight-loss

Breakthrough Am/Pm – This can help you jump start your weight loss or breakthrough a plateau.

Prevail Energy – This product competes with the high-energy, high-caffeine, high-sugar drinks featured on retail shelves for $3.00 to $5.00. This product is half the cost of less than 5 grams of sugar.

Valentus Immune Boost – There is no better way to fight colds and similar ailments than a glass of Immune Boost dissolved in hot or cold water. Try this in the evening for your best nights sleep in a long time.

PrevailMAX™  Supports healthy cell performance at the microscopic level of human cells.  This is a nutritional breakthrough for your cells. The most amazing thing is to see the immediate impact PrevailMAX™ has on our cells, from sluggish to active within seconds of a few squirts.

Prevail K9™  Supports healthy cell performance in the pets we all love so dearly.  We have seen some incredible results already.  No one can tell me that this is a placebo effect, not on pets.

Valentus – The Compensation Plan

In almost 30 years of network marketing experience, the Valentus Compensation Plan is certainly the best I have ever seen.  It offers 7 (seven) pay centers and offers something for every level IR (Independent Representative).

  1. Retail Commissions up to 25% paid weekly
  2. Fast Start Bonus up to $100 paid weekly
  3. Legacy Codes Bonus of $100 unblocked to unlimited levels and paid weekly
  4. Dual Team Commissions of up to $100,000 per week paid weekly
  5. Dual Team Matching Bonus that goes to 7 Generations starting at 20%
  6. 1% Global Volume Shared Enrollment Pool
  7. Car bonus of $400 to $3000 paid monthly

As shown above, five of the seven profit centers are paid weekly which means that a new IR will see the results of their efforts and receive payments very quickly.  One of Valentus’s recruiting claims is that, “A new IR will get to $10,000 a month faster than any other plan”.


You can tell a lot about a company, its management and it leaders by how they handle themselves during difficult times.  I always say its easy to be a leader when times are good but real leadership is proven during difficult times.  In 2017 Valentus had its share of challenges but when a company can go though these challenges and be better and stronger than ever it says a lot about its management and leaders.





John Haremza sticks with network marketing for decades — because it works

After almost 30 years working in network marketing, I have learned a thing or two. Three decades ago I didn’t know quite so much, but I had the same drive I have today. I graduated from high school with a diploma, but as an introvert, dyslexia and no self-esteem.  I started my career on the production line at a potato chip factory and very quickly became a welder and then maintenance manager. He was introduced to network marketing at a meeting, at a friend’s house and his life took a new turn.

I believe that if the people believe in it, the company will thrive. I often say, “People buy people.”  Every company has its challenges, its up, and downs, which makes it critical to stay plugged into the calls and events.  If you find yourself struggling with your belief right now you must focus on your belief in the company’s future that they will get it fixed.  Never consider quitting or making a change until you have absolutely no faith in the company’s future.

I’m sharing this from experience.  Over the years I’ve had many occasions when my belief took a hit.  Most of the time things worked out.  There have been cases where I have lost all belief but only after several years of frustration.  When I reached that tipping point, where I lost all belief and trust, when you are unhappy it’s no fun, no way to live.  It goes against your moral being when you feel as if you are selling a dream and living a nightmare. Moving from one company to another is a “last resort” solution when everything you tried has failed.

I am true to this philosophy. When I lose belief in a company’s future I am not afraid to go off on a new venture. “When you lose your belief, you’re really sunk. But, it has always been a long-term, gut-wrenching decision to leave a company.  This move was never something easy.  Ironically, it was never the money.  In every case, I walked away from a substantial residual income.  I suppose I could have stayed but its tough to sell a dream and live a nightmare.

Many people in this industry have worked for multiple companies but in my case, I have worked with only four network marketing companies.  Whether it has been luck, wisdom, good fortune, an understanding of the five elements or a combination of all factors every experience has been better, both personally and financially than the last one.

When I found Valentus and knowing the owner I felt safe and confident but scared and nervous.  Here I was walking away from a company that I had been with since its inception for over 12 years, over $10,000,000 in earnings and a high six-figure income.

“I have almost 30 years in the industry and I’m more excited today than I’ve ever been,” John says. “I believe this will be the biggest thing I’ve ever done. All of the elements for success are clearly in place.”

And if you happen to not find him working? He might just be off catching fish instead of

sales. Whether it’s Arctic char in the Northern Territories, salmon in Alaska, deep sea fishing on the coasts or just an easy cast in his local area, John has seen it all and caught it all.

John authored the book “Right or Almost Right”. He talks about the fine line between phenomenal success and average results in network marketing.”

At the time I produced “Right or Almost Right,” I had almost 30 years in network marketing and I had traveled extensively. I met so many sharp, hard-working, good-quality people who were seemingly doing everything right and yet weren’t making the money they expected. They asked, “Why? Why am I not seeing the success I anticipated?”

I asked the question, “Are they doing it right or almost right?” My book,“ Right or Almost Right,” addresses what we do in our everyday activities — our DMO (Daily

Method Of Operation) — and talks about the little adjustments we can make to build

success. The subtitle, “The Fine Line Between Phenomenal Success and Average Results

in Network Marketing,” says it all. It’s the fine line, the little adjustments, the nuances, that get us to success.

The Small Step Philosophy: “Every step you take counts”.

No matter how insignificant it may seem at the time, every decision you make counts.

Your decisions have led you to where you are today.

There are two types of people: a large group where nothing seems to work for them and a much smaller group where everything works, they seem to have the magic touch. You could take two people under identical circumstances but they would make different decisions and see different results.

It’s all about the decisions we make. The decisions I made when I started out in this industry as a maintenance person and the decisions I continue to make have got me to where I am today and affected hundreds of thousands of people.

My book will help you make better decisions and it will help you make those fine adjustments to move you from struggling to seeing massive success. I promise you will get tremendous success if you use these fine adjustments.

You can see more about John particularly how a dyslexic kid, thought to be slow, dumb, lazy made it to become a first-class network marketing legend.

Email to get a free copy of “Right or Almost Right”



To get a free sample of weight loss coffee   http://ltl.is/ASaDn

The post Valentus Review appeared first on Insider Business Reviews.

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